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DC Surrey Hill Mariner Pursuit of Hoppiness MC PR TRP DPC

Date of Birth:    April 11, 2016

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HERKULES  - 8.jpg

Sire:   CIB, WW 2011, US GCH, FI CH, NO CH, IT CH, EE CH FI W 2011, HE W 2011, HE W 2012, HE W 2013 Aberdeen Remarkable in Paris (Marcus)

Dam:  GCH DC Surrey Hill Silkrock Teenage Crime Spree At Mariner CR, ARX, DPCX, OTR, FCH  (Spree)


Bred by: Karen Lee  (Surrey Hill) and Kristen Fredricks (Mariner)







Herkules'  Photo Album

Herkules'  Pedigree




o   BAER: WP-BR1258/12M-PI - (Normal)

o   DNA #:  V818678  (DG DK AA FI DD GG CC BB CF      BC GL DE DE XY)  - Dilute Carrier

o   OFA-CERF: - WP-EYE1087/35M-PI (Normal) - 2019

o   OFA-Cardiac: # WP-aCA243/15M-VPI- (Normal -Cardiologist) - 2017

o   CHIC #   125780


Herkule's Puppies



2017 -

March 18th - Herkules (shown by breeder Karen Lee) goes Best Puppy  under Breeder Judge Kathy Davenport at the 2017 AWC Eastern Specialty

March 19th - Herkules earns his first points and Major (4pts) in the ring under judge Edward Hall - shown by breeder Karen Lee

July 14th - Herkules goes RWD at the 2017 AWC Mid-West Regional Specialty under Judge Judy Lowther, thanks to Karen Lee for handling him!!

Nov 24th - Herkules goes 1st in Open for his first AKC Lure coursing points and his First Major!

Nov 25th - Herkules goes 1st in Open again, this time for a 5 point Major, and finishes the weekend with a total of 9 points.


2018 -

April - Herkules  wins the Male Division of the AWC Maturity competition at our National Specialty

Oct 5/6 - Herkules goes 1st place at the AWC Midwest AKC Lure Coursing Specialty for 5 pts and then ties for 1/2 place the following day finishing his AKC FIELD CHAMPIONSHIP Title!!!

2019 -

May 11th - Herkules (shown by Laura Kieffer) goes WD/BOS over a special for 2 points

May 18th - Herkules (shown by Laura Kieffer) goes WD/BOW for 1 point

May 24th - Herkules (shown by Laura Kieffer) goes WD/BOS FOR HIS 2ND Major (3pts) in the ring under judge Breeder Judge Jacqueiline Quiros-Kubat.  

June 8th - Herkules (shown by Laura Kieffer) goes WD/BOW FOR another point

June 14th - Herkules (shown by Laura Kieffer) goes WD/BOS FOR another point

June 15th - Herkules (shown by Laura Kieffer) goes WD/BOS over a special FOR a 3rd major (3 pts) under Judge Terry Stacy to Finish his Bench Championship/Dual ChAmpionship Titles!!

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